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Royal Canin Giant Puppy Complete Dry Dog Food (3.5 KG)

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EGP 2,065.00

Royal Canin Giant Puppy dry dog food is tailor-made for puppies up to 8 months old with an expected adult weight of over 100 lbs.

Royal Canin Giant Puppy Benefits:

Immune system support

Growth is an essential stage in your dog’s life: it is the time of big changes, discoveries, and new encounters. During this key period, the puppy’s immune system develops gradually. Giant Puppy helps support your puppy’s natural defenses thanks particularly to a complex of antioxidants including vitamin E.

Intense growth - controlled energy

Helps support a high growth rate during the first growth phase in giant breed puppies and helps avoid excess weight gain thanks to adapted energy content.

Bone and joint support

Contributes to good bone mineralization in giant breed puppies thanks to a balanced intake of energy and minerals (calcium and phosphorus), thus supporting bone consolidation and joints.

More About Royal Canin Giant Puppy:

Growth is an essential stage in your dog's life - it's the time of new discoveries, new encounters, and physical changes. During this key period, your giant puppy's immune system is developing gradually, and therefore extra nutritional support is highly beneficial.
Royal Canin Giant Puppy Food contains a complex of antioxidants that work together to support your puppy's natural defenses, as well as its general health.
Because your puppy has a vast amount of growing to do, it's important to give your puppy food with nutrients that help to support its high growth rate during the all-important first phase of growth.
That's why Royal Canin Giant Puppy food is specially formulated with an adapted energy content to contribute to healthy and sustained growth.
The strategic balance of energy and minerals (such as calcium and phosphorus) in Royal Canin Giant Puppy contributes to healthy bone mineralization in giant breed puppies. This helps to support joint and bone consolidation, as well as healthy growth.

Feeding Guide

Adult Target Weight 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months
99.2 lb (45 kg) 3 1/4 cups (310 g) 4 1/4 cups (408 g) 4 3/4 cups (451 g) 5 5/8 cups (536 g) 6 3/8 cups (610 g) 6 3/8 cups (612 g) 6 3/8 cups (608 g)
110.2 lb (50 kg) 3 3/4 cups (364 g) 4 3/4 cups (453 g) 5 1/8 cups (494 g) 6 1/8 cups (583 g) 6 7/8 cups (660 g) 6 7/8 cups (662 g) 6 7/8 cups (660 g)
121.3 lb (55 kg) 4 cups (381 g) 5 cups (481 g) 5 1/2 cups (527 g) 6 1/2 cups (621 g) 7 3/8 cups (707 g) 7 3/8 cups (712 g) 7 3/8 cups (710 g)
132.3 lb (60 kg) 4 1/8 cups (396 g) 5 1/4 cups (507 g) 5 7/8 cups (558 g) 6 7/8 cups (661 g) 7 7/8 cups (752 g) 7 7/8 cups (759 g) 7 7/8 cups (759 g)
143.3 lb (65 kg) 4 1/4 cups (409 g) 5 5/8 cups (538 g) 6 1/8 cups (593 g) 7 1/4 cups (702 g) 8 3/8 cups (799 g) 8 3/8 cups (806 g) 8 3/8 cups (806 g)
154.3 lb (70 kg) 4 3/8 cups (419 g) 5 3/4 cups (554 g) 6 3/8 cups (617 g) 7 5/8 cups (735 g) 8 3/4 cups (838 g) 8 7/8 cups (851 g) 8 7/8 cups (853 g)
165.3 lb (75 kg) 4 5/8 cups (441 g) 6 1/8 cups (583 g) 6 3/4 cups (650 g) 8 1/8 cups (774 g) 9 1/4 cups (883 g) 9 3/8 cups (896 g) 9 3/8 cups (898 g)
176.4 lb (80 kg) 4 5/8 cups (448 g) 6 1/4 cups (603 g) 7 cups (671 g) 8 3/8 cups (809 g) 9 5/8 cups (921 g) 9 3/4 cups (938 g) 9 7/8 cups (942 g)
187.4 lb (85 kg) 4 7/8 cups (469 g) 6 5/8 cups (631 g) 7 1/4 cups (702 g) 8 7/8 cups (846 g) 10 cups (964 g) 10 1/4 cups (982 g) 10 1/4 cups (986 g)
198.4 lb (90 kg) 5 1/8 cups (489 g) 6 7/8 cups (659 g) 7 5/8 cups (733 g) 9 1/4 cups (883 g) 10 1/2 cups (1006 g) 10 5/8 cups (1025 g) 10 3/4 cups (1029 g)
209.4 lb (95 kg) 5 1/4 cups (510 g) 7 1/8 cups (686 g) 8 cups (763 g) 9 5/8 cups (920 g) 10 7/8 cups (1048 g) 11 1/8 cups (1067 g) 11 1/8 cups (1072 g)
220.5 lb (100 kg) 5 1/2 cups (530 g) 7 3/8 cups (713 g) 8 1/4 cups (793 g) 10 cups (956 g) 11 3/8 cups (1089 g) 11 1/2 cups (1109 g) 11 5/8 cups (1114 g)

إذا كنت تبحث عن أفضل دراي فود لجرو البيتبول، فهذا المنتج سيكون الأفضل بالنسية لك، ويتناسب هذا الطعام مع الكلاب التي يصل وزنها إلى 45 كجم تقريبًا ويكون عمرها أصغر من 8 أشهر.


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