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Purina Felix As Good As It Looks with Chicken in Jelly 85g

Sold out
EGP 45.00

Felix As Good As It Looks with Chicken is a complete pet food for adult cats.

Felix As Good As It Looks with Chicken Feeding Info:

For an average adult cat (4kg), feed 3 to 4 pouches per day in at least 2 separate meals.

The adult maintenance averages are based on moderately active cats at normal environmental temperatures. Individual needs vary and feeding should be adjusted as required to maintain your cat at lean, healthy body weight.

Serve at room temperature.

Clean, fresh drinking water should always be available.

Felix As Good As It Looks with Chicken Healthy Goodness:

Felix As Good As It Looks with Chicken is a range of irresistible meals that look, smell, and taste so delicious they’re just like the food you might have cooked yourself. Each recipe has tender pieces in succulent jelly for a tasty meal your cat can really get his teeth into!

They’re also a source of essential Omega 6 fatty acids with the right combination of balanced minerals and vitamins to help keep your cat full of vitality and ready for mischief! They’re packed with healthy goodness and satisfy 100% of your cat’s daily needs when served according to the feeding guidelines.

That’s not all! Felix As Good As It Looks is available in a wide range of delicious recipes in savory jelly to satisfy your cat’s love of variety every day. They really do taste as good as they look!

*Also adapted to sterilized cats


هذا المنتج عبارة عن مجموعة من لوجبات التي لا تقاوم ذات الشكل والرائحة والمذاق اللذيذ لدرجة أنها تشبه الطعام البشري حتى. كما أن هذا المنتج هو مصدر ممتاز لأحماض أوميجا 6 الدهنية الأساسية التي تعمل على دعم صحة الجلد والشعر، بالإضافة إلى الفيتامينات والمعادن المتوازنة للمساعدة في الحفاظ على قطتك صحية وسعيدة

المميزات والعيوب

  • المميزات:
  1. مذاق لذيذ
  2. رائحة وقوام رائعين
  3. يلبي 100% من احتياجات القطط الغذائية اليومية
  4. يساعد في الحفاظ على صحة الجلد والشعر
  5. متعدد النكهات
  • العيوب:
  1. يحتوي على كمية كبيرة من الكربوهيدرات
  2. عبوة صغيرة نسبياً