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Royal Canin Maxi Starter For Mother and Babydog - Dry Food (4KG/15KG)

EGP 2,780.00

Royal Canin Maxi Starter is a complete dog feed for the large breed bitch (from 26 to 44 kg) and her puppies: bitch at the end of gestation and during lactation - Weaning puppies up to 2 months old.

Royal Canin Maxi Starter Benefits:


Inspired by Professional research, BIRTH PROGRAMME is a unique nutritional solution that meets the needs of the bitch and her puppies during the first five stages of the life cycle: gestation, birth, lactation, weaning, and growth up to 2 months old.


The nutritional profile is adapted to the bitch’s high energy needs at end of gestation and during lactation.


The nutritional response facilitates the transition from mother’s milk to solid food (energy value, quality protein, fats).


The kibbles easily rehydrate to a porridge-like consistency which is very palatable for the bitch and her weaning puppies.

More About Royal Canin Maxi Starter:

It’s very important that your large breed dog and her puppies receive the right level of nutritional support to maintain continued good health for the mother, and the best start possible for her puppies.

Royal Canin Maxi Starter Mother & Babydog is suitable for your dog throughout the gestation and lactation periods, as well as for large breed puppies that will have an adult weight between 26kg and 44kg.

As the puppies transition from mother’s milk onto solid food, Royal Canin Maxi Starter Mother & Babydog provides a suitable intermediary formulation of nutrients to facilitate this first period of growth and change.

When mixed with water, the kibble is easy to rehydrate to a porridge-like consistency which is very palatable for your dog, as well as the puppies.

Royal Canin Maxi Starter Mother & Babydog is suitable for your dog throughout the gestation and lactation periods, as well as large puppies that will have an adult weight between 26kg-44kg.

Feeding Guide

Gestating bitch -   -  
Adult Weight 26 kg 30 kg 35 kg 40 kg 44 kg
quantities in gram: -   -  
  (g) (g) (g) (g) (g)
6 weeks of gestation 360 410 455 505 550
7 weeks of gestation 390 445 500 550 600
8 weeks of gestation 425 485 540 595 650
9 weeks of gestation 455 520 580 640 700
Lactating Ad libitum Ad libitum Ad libitum Ad libitum Ad libitum
quantities in cups: -   -  
  cup* cup* cup* cup* cup*
6 weeks of gestation 4 4 5/8 5 1/8 5 5/8 6 2/8
7 weeks of gestation 4 3/8 5 5 5/8 6 2/8 6 6/8
8 weeks of gestation 4 6/8 5 4/8 6 1/8 6 6/8 7 3/8
9 weeks of gestation 5 1/8 5 7/8 6 4/8 7 2/8 7 7/8
Lactating Ad libitum Ad libitum Ad libitum Ad libitum Ad libitum
*1 cup of 240 ml=89g -   -  
Weaning Puppy -   -  
Adult Weight 26 kg 30 kg 35 kg 40 kg 44 kg
quantities in gram: -   -  
  (g) (g) (g) (g) (g)
0-2 weeks Babydog Milk Babydog Milk Babydog Milk Babydog Milk Babydog Milk
2-3 weeks 30 30 30 30 30
3-4 weeks 90 90 110 110 110
4-5 weeks 155 155 170 170 170
5-6 weeks 170 170 190 190 190
6-7 weeks 225 225 245 245 245
7-8 weeks 280 280 320 320 320
quantities in cups: -   -  
  cup* cup* cup* cup* cup*
0-2 weeks Babydog Milk Babydog Milk Babydog Milk Babydog Milk Babydog Milk
2-3 weeks 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
3-4 weeks 1 1 1 2/8 1 2/8 1 2/8
4-5 weeks 1 6/8 1 6/8 1 7/8 1 7/8 1 7/8
5-6 weeks 1 7/8 1 7/8 2 1/8 2 1/8 2 1/8
6-7 weeks 2 4/8 2 4/8 2 6/8 2 6/8 2 6/8
7-8 weeks 3 1/8 3 1/8 3 5/8 3 5/8 3 5/8
*1 cup of 240 ml=89g -   -


وصفة صممت خصيصاً لدعم الاحتياجات الغذائية للجراء حتى عمر الشهرين وأمهاتهم أثناء مراحل الحمل والرضاعة، والذين يتراوح وزنهم بين 26-44 كجم.

تلك التركيبة صنعت بشكل خاص للجاء من السلالات كبيرة الحجم حتى تدعم تطورهم في مراحل حياتهم الأولى عن طريق احتوائها على مزيج حصري من المكونات مشابه لحليب الأم. كما أنه يسهل على الجراء في مرحلة الفطام الانتقال إلى الأطعمة الصلبة.

المميزات والعيوب

  • المميزات:
  1. يقدم حلاً غذائياً فريداً لكل من الكلبة وصغارها خلال المراحل الخمس الأولى من دورة الحياة
  2. دعم احتياجات الكلبات الحوامل والمرضعات من حيث الطاقة
  3. يسهل الانتقال إلى الأطعمة الصلبة خلال مرحلة الفطام
  4. سهل الترطيب، حيث يمكن تحويله إلى عصيدة حتى يسهل على الصغار تناوله
  • العيوب:
  1. مرتفع السعر
  2. لا يوجد خيار خالي من القمح
  3. محدود النكهات