Advocate Spot On for Large Dogs is a treatment for fleas and their larvae, roundworm, hookworm, heartworm, and ear mites in dogs. It also treats lungworm, whipworm, biting lice, Sarcoptes, and Demodex.
These are small plastic droppers, available in different sizes depending on the size of the animal, which is filled with the correct amount of Advocate for one treatment. The content of a full pipette is applied onto the animal’s skin, after parting the fur.
How to Use?
Advocate for dogs is applied between the shoulder blades at the bottom of the dog’s head, but for large dogs (above 25 kg) the product should be applied in 3 or 4 spots along the dog’s back, whilst it is standing, from between its shoulder blades to the base of its tail.
How does Advocate for Dogs work?
Advocate for dogs contains two active substances, imidacloprid, and moxidectin. Imidacloprid interferes with certain specific receptors (nicotinic acetylcholine receptors) in the nervous systems of lice and fleas, which results in their subsequent paralysis and death. Moxidectin causes paralysis and death of nematodes and heartworms by interfering with the way signals are passed between nerve cells (neurotransmission) in the parasites' nervous system.
How often you should use it?
In dogs, Advocate is approved for use from 7 weeks of age.
Advocate® is applied once a month on the skin on the back of the animal (“spot-on”) in one or several spots, depending on the animal’s body weight.