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Royal Canin Digestive Care Dry Food - For Adult cats (400G/2 KG)

EGP 580.00

Royal Canin Digestive Care Dry Food is a Balanced complete feed for adult cats - Recommended to help support healthy digestion

About Royal Canin Digestive:

A cat's sensitive stomach and digestive tract can contribute to a large volume of poor quality faeces, which can be an indicator of poor digestion.

Royal Canin Digestive Care is a precisely balanced nutritional formula that supports digestive health through specially tailored nutrients and a unique kibble design.
The Royal Canin Digestive Care formula contains highly digestible proteins (L.I.P) to make digestion easier for your cat, which ultimately contributes to its overall good health.

Royal Canin Digestive Care also contains a specific blend of prebiotics and fibres (including psyllium) to help support a balance in the intestinal flora and regulate intestinal transit.

The amount of protein contained is very high and is of high quality to help maintain internal muscle strength throughout your cat's body and keep stool consistent in quality, which also helps to regulate and reduce its toilet time.

Additionally, Royal Canin Digestive Care supports healthy digestion with ring-shaped kibble that naturally slows the eating and chewing process down, minimising the risk of indigestion.
Royal Canin Digestive Care has achieved clinically proven results: the exclusive use of Digestive Care was effective after just 10 days - resulting in 49% less stool production thanks to substantially optimised nutrient consumption and digestion.

To cater to each cat's individual preferences, Royal Canin Digestive Care is also available as wet food in either delicious gravy or a soft and tasty loaf.

If you're considering mixed feeding, simply follow our feeding guidelines to ensure your cat gets an accurate amount of both wet and dry food for optimal benefit.

Royal Canin Digestive Benefits:

Sensitive digestion?

Does your cat have sensitive digestion? A sensitive stomach and digestive tract may result in a large number of poor quality faeces which may also indicate poor digestion.

Additionally, swallowing too quickly without sufficient chewing can lead to regurgitation.

Digestive care

What are the key benefits of this targeted nutritional solution? Digestive care is a precisely balanced nutritional formula that helps support digestive health.

With double action: - Easy to digest: the Digestive care formula contains highly digestible proteins (L.I.P.*).

It is based on a blend of prebiotics (FOS: fructooligosaccharides) and fibres (including psyllium) to help support a balance in the intestinal flora and regulate intestinal transit.

(*L.I.P.: protein selected for its very high digestibility (more than 90%), for digestive health and stool quality.) - Promotes chewing and slower eating: the Digestive care ring-shaped kibble helps the cat eat more slowly and chew thoroughly for good digestion.

Proven results

The exclusive use of Digestive care is effective after 10 days: 49%* less stool production thanks to improved digestion and nutrient absorption. *Royal Canin internal study, 2014 - Compared to a maintenance feed for adult cats.

Urinary health

Formulated with a balance of minerals to help maintain the health of an adult cat’s urinary system.

Feeding Guide

Cat's weight Ideal weight Overweight
3kg 43g 34g
4kg 53g 42g
5kg 62g 49g
6kg 70g 56g


مميزات رويال كانين دايجستف:

  • تغذية متوازنة: يقدم لك هذا الطعام تغذية متكاملة ومتوازنة للقطط البالغة
  • هضم أسهل: يتميز بأنه يساعد المعدة الحساسة على هضم الطعام بطريقة سهلة
  • جودة البراز: يحسن من جودة البراز ويجعله خالي تمامًا من الرائحة الكريهة
  • غني بالبروتينات: يحتوي على بروتينات سهلة الهضم وتتفاعل بصورة جيدة مع معدة القطط الحساسة
  • يعزز المضغ وتباطؤ الأكل: يساعد في تيسير حلقة الجهاز الهضمي عند القطط، فتجدهم يتناولون ببطء ويقوموا بمضغه جيدًا مما يسهل عملية الهضم
  • معادن متوازنة: يحتوي على كمية معادن متوازنة تحافظ على صحة الجهاز البولي لدى القطط البالغة.

عيوب رويال كانين دايجستف:

  • لا يفضل أن تقدمه بكميات كبيرة لقطتك
  • أجعله جزء من النظام الغذائي لقطتك وليس طعامها الأساسي فقط

نتائج رويال كانين دايجستف:

النتائج المثبتة الخاصة بهذا الطعام أثبتت أن فاعليته ستظهر بعد 10 أيام من الاستخدام، وستلاحظ تغيير بنسبة 49٪ في البراز وإنه أصبح بجودة عالية وأفضل ورائحته ليست كريهة، وكل هذا سيحدث بفضل تحسين عملية الهضم وامتصاص العناصر الغذائية.

شكل حبة رويال كانين دايجستف:

تعتبر شكل الحبة مميزة وصغيرة للغاية حتى يسهل مضغها وهضمها ويفضل أن تقدمها بكميات معقولة لقطتك حتى لا يحدث معها أي مشكلة.