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Royal Canin Mini Puppy - Dry Food For Puppies (2KG / 4KG)

EGP 2,625.00

Royal Canin Mini Puppy is a complete feed for dogs - For small breed puppies (adult weight up to 10 kg) - Up to 10 months.

Royal Canin Mini Puppy Benefits:

Immune system support

Growth is an essential stage in your dog's life: it is the time of big changes, discoveries, and new encounters. During this key period, the puppy's immune system develops gradually.

MINI Puppy helps support your puppy's natural defenses thanks particularly to a complex of antioxidants including vitamin E.

Digestive health

Combination of nutrients with high-quality protein (L.I.P.*) and prebiotics (FOS) to support digestive health and balance of intestinal flora, which contributes to good stool quality.

*Protein selected for its very high digestibility.

Intense energy content

Meets the energy needs of small breed puppies during the growth period, and satisfies fussy appetites.

More About Royal Canin Mini Puppy:

Royal Canin Mini Puppy food is formulated with the nutritional needs of your puppy in mind and is suitable for puppies aged 2-10 months that will have an adult weight of up to 10kg.

Your puppy’s growth period is such an essential stage in its life; it’s the time of big changes and new discoveries. Within this period, your puppy’s immune system is developing gradually.

That’s why Royal Canin Mini Puppy contains a complex of antioxidants – including vitamin E – to help support your puppy’s natural defenses as it grows.

The shape of the kibble is small and easy to chew, perfect for your puppy’s smallmouth, and both the smell and flavor are optimized to tempt even the fussiest of dogs; it also helps to support its dental health and general oral hygiene.

By containing a combination of nutrients with high-quality protein (such as L.I.P – known for its high digestibility) as well as prebiotics, Royal Canin Mini Puppy supports the digestive health and balance of intestinal flora, which contributes to good stool quality by reducing fecal smell and quantity.

Feeding instructions:

see table. Batch number, factory registration number, and best before date: see information on packaging.

To be stored in a cool, dry place.


Feeding Guide

Age (months) Adult weight = 2 kg Adult weight = 6 kg Adult weight = 10 kg
2 m 49 g (4/8 cups) 103 g (1+1/8 cups) 146 g (1+5/8 cups)
3 m 54 g (5/8 cups) 119 g (1+2/8 cups) 172 g (1+7/8 cups)
4 m 55 g (5/8 cups) 125 g (1+3/8 cups) 182 g (2 cups)
5 m 55 g (5/8 cups) 126 g (1+3/8 cups) 185 g (2 cups)
6 m 48 g (4/8 cups) 125 g (1+3/8 cups) 184 g (2 cups)
7 m 40 g (4/8 cups) 113 g (1+2/8 cups) 167 g (1+7/8 cups)
8 m 39 g (3/8 cups) 101 g (1+1/8 cups) 149 g (1+5/8 cups)
9 m 39 g (3/8 cups) 90 g (1 cups) 133 g (1+4/8 cups)
10 m 39 g (3/8 cups) 89 g (1 cups) 132 g (1+4/8 cups)
11 m Transition to Mini Adult Transition to Mini Adult 131 g (1+3/8 cups)


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