Royal Canin Persian Adult - Dry Cat Food (400g/2kg/4kg/10kg)
Royal Canin Persian Adult is a balanced and complete feed for cats - Especially for adult Persian cats - Over 12 months old
Royal Canin Persian Adult Benefits:
Exclusive kibble
This specially designed almond-shaped kibble with an optimal contact surface area is easy for the Persian cat to pick up and chew.
Skin and coat
The long coat of the Persian is enhanced through the exclusive complex of vitamins, omega 6 fatty acids from borage oil, and omega 3 fatty acids from fish oil, all promoting healthy skin and intensifying coat color and shine.
Hairball reduction
The Persian Adult dry diet contains a special blend of specific fibers to help hair ingested from grooming pass out in the feces, helping to reduce hairballs.
Digestive performance
To support digestive health in this sensitive breed, the diet contains highly digestible proteins and prebiotics that support gut function and promote a good balance of intestinal flora.
More About Royal Canin Persian Adult:
The Persian cat has the longest and densest coat of all cat breeds. This means that it typically needs to consume more skin-health-focused nutrients than other cat breeds.
That’s why Royal Canin Persian Adult contains an exclusive complex of nutrients to help the skin’s barrier defense role to maintain good skin and coat health.
Due to their long fur, Persian cats are prone to the formation of hairballs, which can cause discomfort.
However, thanks to Royal Canin Persian Adult, loose ingested hair is eliminated, hairball formation is controlled and intestinal transit is naturally stimulated through a specific blend of fibers (including psyllium rich in mucilage).
Digestive performance is also maintained through low indigestible proteins (L.I.P), prebiotics, and omega 3 & 6 fatty acids.
Not only this, but Royal Canin Persian Adult’s tailor-made kibble is almond-shaped with an optimal contact surface area – making it easy for Persian cats to pick up and chew.
To cater to each cat’s individual preferences, Royal Canin Persian Adult is also available as wet food in a soft and tasty loaf.
If you’re considering mixed feeding, simply follow our feeding guidelines to ensure your cat gets an accurate amount of both wet and dry food for optimal benefit.
Feeding instructions:
see table. Batch number, factory registration number, and best before date: see information on packaging. To be stored in a cool, dry place.
Cat's weight | Low energy needs | Moderate / Active energy needs |
3 kg | 33 g (11 g + 1 pouch) | 41 g (19 g + 1 pouch) |
4 kg | 40 g (18 g + 1 pouch) | 50 g (29 g + 1 pouch) |
5 kg | 47 g (25 g + 1 pouch) | 59 g (37 g + 1 pouch) |
6 kg | 54 g (32 g + 1 pouch) | 67 g (45 g + 1 pouch) |
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- يسهل على القطة الشيرازي “الفارسية” مضغها وهضمها أيضًا لأنها مصممة خصيصًا على شكل لوز أملس يسهل التقاطه
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